Contact Us
Home Farm
Blue Anchor
TA24 6JS
Telephone: 01984 640817
Email: info@homefarmblueanchor.co.uk

Recommended Route for Motorhomes, Caravans, and Trailers
Travelling from North
M5 South to Junction 23
A38 into Bridgwater, and then A39 towards Minehead
IGNORE SATNAV and all turnings to Blue Anchor until you enter Carhampton.
Take first turning right, signed Blue Anchor (small 4 x ways).
On Seafront; go past large static caravan site on right, and our entrance is the next turning which we share with the Smugglers Restaurant.
Park in camping field on right, and walk to reception which is in house, and you will be advised of your pitch.
Travelling from South
M5 north to Junction 26
A38 into outskirts of Taunton.
At first roundabout take A358 to Minehead
Join A39 at Williton.
IGNORE SATNAV and all turnings to Blue Anchor until you enter Carhampton.
Then follow directions as above.